Sunday, 9 June 2019

Java Interview Questions

Hello Everyone, welcome to my first blog on Java interview questions :

You might be thinking why I am not giving the answers. Right?
The thing I learnt is by googling searching for a concept or topic, you are going to explore and learn more,  Although at later point I will give the answers but till that time Happy Learning with the below topics

Core Java:

1. What is Java?
2. What is OOP concept?
3. What is Inheritance?
4. What is Association?
5. What is Aggregation?
6. What are the pillars of OOP?
7. What is Polymorphism?
8. What is Abstraction with coding example?
9. What is overloading?
10. What is overriding?
11. Difference Between Overloading and Overriding?
12. What is subclass?
13. What is inner class?
14. What is Abstract Class?
15. What is Interface?
16. What are access specifier?
17. How may ways are there to create an object?
18. What is mutable object?
19. What is immutable object?
20. What is String?
21. Why String is immutable?
22. Can we have a mutable string object?
23. What is StringBuffer?
24. What is StringBuilder?
25. Difference Between StringBuffer and StringBuilder?
26. What is static in java?
27. Can a class be static?
28. Can a method be static?
29. Can a inherited class or method will be static?

Java Exception Handling Questions coming soon...

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